Facebook Targets Annoying Clickbait, Apple Launches First Bug Bounty… [Tech News Digest]


Facebook tries to eradicate clickbait from your News Feed, Apple launches a bug bounty program, Google Maps makes the Himalayas fun, Oliver Stone hates smartphones, and unboxing the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 in a water park. Facebook Tries to Tackle Clickbait Again Facebook is tackling clickbait once again, making another concerted effort to rid the social network of this style of headline. This is an ongoing effort on Facebook’s part, as it originally cracked down on clickbait in August 2014, and then tried again in April 2016. Today we announced our plan to reduce clickbait in News Feed. To learn...

Read the full article: Facebook Targets Annoying Clickbait, Apple Launches First Bug Bounty… [Tech News Digest]

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